Sunday, February 3, 2013

Fab Five

For a person involved in nothing but show choir, it’s a great feeling when after a break from concerts and competitions, you get to perform your show for a new crowd.  This exact feeling overwhelmed my entire body on Saturday night at the Fab Five concert. The Fab Five is the name for the 5 public school show choirs in the Cedar Rapids area. This includes Cedar Rapids Kennedy’s “Happiness Inc.”, Jefferson’s ”Westside Delegation”, Washington’s “Momentum”, Prairie’s “Ambassadors”, and Linn Mar’s “10th Street Edition.”

Each show choir performs their show in front of a crowd of parents from each school, citizens of Cedar Rapids who had interest in show choir, directors, and anyone willing to pay for a ticket to the event.  Also performing at the event is a soloist or ensemble from each school to fill time between one entire show choir ending their performance and the next setting up and getting ready for their show.

This year was my first time performing in the Fab Five concert but I really enjoyed it. Often, I see show choirs from my areas in an intense competition setting rather than a relaxed concert. Many old friendships were rekindled and many more friendships began.
At the end of the show, all five groups came together to sing a final song. This year, the song was in honor of an Iowa choral legend that passed away this fall. It was directed by his daughter who is an elementary school music teacher and a very nice woman. After this year, however, there will no longer be a finale at the end of the concert. Instead, folks will be welcome to leave once the final show choir is done performing.

I enjoyed the Fab Five concert much more than I thought I would have and I’m even more excited for next year's Fab Five performance. (310)

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