Disclaimer: This post is going to be a diabetic teenage girl
bitching about how diabetes ruined her last night of “spring break” as well as
how shitty diabetes is. Thank you.
If you don’t have type one diabetes, there’s a one hundred
percent chance you don’t know how shitty it is. Even if your best friend,
child, spouse, sibling, parent, or anyone you know has diabetes, you will never
understand the shitty disease it is unless you get it. I, as a type one
diabetic, would never wish diabetes on my worst enemy. The low blood sugars
make your vision fuzzy, give you cold sweats, and make you shake uncontrollably.
When your blood sugar is high, you get dry mouth so you chug water, and chug
juice, and chug milk, and chug any liquid that will make your mouth wet, even
if it’s just for a few minutes. When the few minutes is up, you chug some more.
All this drinking makes you have to go to the bathroom A LOT, and I mean once
every ten or fifteen minutes. If your blood sugar is high, there’s a great
chance of you sleeping all day and night until it comes down into the normal
The worst part about diabetes is the long term complications
if you don’t take care of yourself and your blood sugar. People go blind and
lose limbs because of diabetes, because they didn’t keep their blood sugar down
and therefore they lost circulation to their limbs and eyes. Woman with
diabetes (me) should be extra concerned with their blood sugars if they want to
have children. Diabetes can cause infertility in women due to the imbalance of
hormones. Maybe that doesn’t bother some people, but I want my own family.
Diabetes is not going to stop that.
One thing diabetes did stop was me from having fun on my
last night of spring break. Friday night I had a great time with friends. We
ate junk food, listened to music, and played cards. I promise you with all of
my heart that I took insulin for everything I consumed on Friday night. It wasn’t
until Saturday, however, that I realized my insulin pump cannula had come out.
My blood sugar read high on my monitor, my heart rate was at least 150 at any
given time, and I couldn’t eat without feeling nauseous. When this happens to
me, it can take over 24 hours to correct. I, being the baby I am, wanted to go
to the hospital where they can fix me over night and know exactly what to do.
My mom, being the mom she is, wanted to fix me by herself. We didn’t really
know the exact procedure but she did it. It took her staying up all night to
check my blood sugars every hour and giving me insulin when I needed it, but
she did it.
Diabetes can really put a damper on life. It’s a fragile
thing to deal with and it’s so, so shitty to have. Sometimes when I feel like
giving up and not taking care of myself, I remember my grandpa who had diabetes
as well. I remember how strong he was and how strong I can be and that’s my
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