Sunday, November 4, 2012

An extra hour goes a long way

Daylight Savings is one of my favorite and least favorite times of the year. It's my favorite because what teenager doesn't like getting an extra hour of sleep. For the first few days after turning my clock back, I always feel so much more refreshed the next morning. Especially when I wake up at 5:30 am because of my zero hour class. On the other hand, I hate that by 6:00 pm, it's pitch black outside. I enjoy daylight so the longer I can see because of the sun, the better.

My mom wants to move to Alaska after she retires. Don't get me wrong, Alaska is a beautiful place but there are some days that it is dark for 19 out of 24 hours. There is absolutely no way at all that I could live in Alaska with my mom. I can barely handle Iowa winters, let alone Alaska winters.

On the other hand, I love Daylight Savings because of the extra hour of sleep I get. Especially now that I wake up at 5:30 am to be at my 7:00 am class, the first few mornings after I set my clock back an hour are the best because I feel refreshed and so alive. During the day, however, I get tired much faster. The fact that at any given time, I feel like it's an hour later, really messes with my head at first. It's harder for me to stay awake during work and show choir because I'm used to sleeping at that time and the worst part is how hungry I get.

Daylight Savings has pros and cons. Unfortunately for me, I find more cons than pros but I deal with it. There comes a certain time when my body gets used to the "new time" and I no longer feel much more refreshed in the morning. I hate when this happens because I get used to the great feeling in the morning and then *POOF!* That feeling is suddenly gone. How disappointing is that?

How disappointing is it to be in such a great mood and so refreshed each morning and have that feeling disappear? But how great is it that you no longer have to suffer an extra hour of your stomach growling, your head starting to hurt, and starting to shake from hunger? Your opinion on Daylight Savings might be different to mine because of how you're affected but personally, I like the first few days until Daylight Savings is suddenly nothing different.


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