Sunday, October 7, 2012

Insulin Drip

I'm finally in my hospital room. I'm hooked up to two bags of fluids. One is saline, one is an insulin drip. I also have heart monitor patches on my chest and an oxygen monitor hooked up to my finger. My nurse, Jodee, comes in every hour to take my vitals. This includes my pulse, my blood pressure, my temperature, and my blood sugar.

My doctor is Dr. Machnowski. He has a really cool accent but I can't figure out where it's from. He's the one that won't let me eat or drink anything. He's the one I want to punch because of my throbbing headache since I haven't had food in over 2 days. I'm begging him to let me eat breakfast in the morning.

I'm waiting for Jake to get off work and come spend the night with me. I'm super tired and I feel really weak. I hope these things go away tomorrow when I eat. If they let me eat... I'm just watching Teen Mom in my room because there's nothing to do at this time in the hospital. Eventually, my nurse will come in and take my vitals. I just want to not be sick anymore. My thing is beeping at me so I'm going to call my nurse and then go to bed.


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