Yesterday, while I sat on my computer scrolling through Pinterest, I came across a "pin" on how to curl your hair without using heat. If you're unaware, Pinterest is a website where people "pin" pictures onto "boards" and these pictures link to websites. Pinterest is full of recipes, crafts, DIY's, clothes, jewelry, hair, nail, and so much more. Although it may take a while to get the hang of, Pinterest is addicting. It has transformed me into someone who loves to cook, try new crafts, do crazy things with my nails, and risk my hair looking bad just to try something I saw on a friends board.
This time, I took a shot at the curling without any heat. I had heard of this before but not using this particular method. Many of my friends use the method of twisting strands of hair and pinning them to their head when they get out of the shower. I've tried that and it doesn't work on my hair so I was iffy about trying this style. However, since I don't know how to curl my hair with a curling iron, I had no choice. Here's how to do it.
Take a shower before you go to bed and brush your hair after you get out. Make sure you part your hair where you want it parted the next day. Add some sort of shaping gel or product. Let your hair dry until it is wetter than damp but not dripping water. Place a soft headband around your head as a hippy would do. Make sure it's soft and goes around you're entire head. I used a Goody brand headband that came in a pack from Walmart. I chose not to curl my bangs so I pulled them out of the headband. Take a section of your hair, starting from the front on one side, and twist it over the headband. (Pull the band out from your head and put the hair over the headband and pull it through.) Repeat this along the side of your head until you get close to the middle of the back of your head. Do the same to the hair on the other side of your head until you get close to the middle of the back of your head. When you get to the last section of hair, you won't be able to twist it around the head band. Take this part of your hair, twist it, and pin it to the back of your head. Now go to bed!
When you wake up in the morning, unpin the section of hair from the back of your head and remove the headband. Voila! You have curls. Hairspray these curls and finish getting ready for the day. You can also style your hair however you like whether that be pinning your bangs back, pinning half of your hair back, or even pulling all of the curls back. Unfortunately for me, I ignored the "make sure your hair is wetter than damp" instruction and tried doing this by misting my hair with a spray bottle then proceeding to doing the head band and hair twisting. Some parts of my hair were much wetter than other parts when I did this so the curls didn't turn out as well as I would have liked. I ended up showering again, pinning my bangs and half of my hair back, and just leaving the rest natural. I would like to try this hair method again, paying more attention to the directions.
From the result I got when it didn't work, I would recommend it for girls who don't know how to curl their hair or maybe just don't want to take the time in the morning to curl it. Either way, it didn't end horrible for me and I did it wrong so if I do it right, I'm sure it'll be great. I'll attempt again tonight. If you do want to try this, here is the link to the video I watched. (Click the word "here") I'd be interested to hear from those brave enough to try something they found on the internet so please, if you attempt this, let me know how it turns out, if you like it, and if you would recommend it to others.
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