Sunday, December 2, 2012


My ex-boyfriend was my boyfriend for 17 months. Boyfriend as in, spent every waking minute together, went on dinner dates, watched a ton of movies together and talked all the time. I thought he was "the one." Don't tell me I'm stupid, I already know. He was funny, sweet, cute, and always there for me. Unfortunately, not too long ago, I pushed away all of my friends for this boyfriend.

My best friend since the fourth grade is gay. Gay as in homosexual, not gay as in "stupid." I love Chet more than anyone I've ever been friends with and I'm proud to tell people he's my best friend.  He's feisty, sassy, gay, attractive, funny, sweet, and always there for me. Unfortunately, not too long ago, I lost Chet from my life completely and it was entirely my fault. 

When my ex-boyfriend broke up with me, I was hit with the harsh reality that I had lost all of my friends during my relationship. No one asked me to hang out. No one talked to me. No one ate lunch with me. Even Chet was ignoring me. He was the most hurt. No matter how much I apologized or tried talking to him, I got nothing in return. It was obvious I had crossed some sort of line and I felt horrible because of it.

I met a new boy. Boy as in someone I really like. He’s tall, funny, cute, and super-duper sweet to a level I’ve never been exposed to before. I told Chet about this boy and at first he was really happy for me because now I’m happy… then Chet got upset. I’m sure you can see why he would get upset given my past actions. I know I’m lucky to have Chet in my life after pushing him away and I learned my lesson. Boyfriends aren’t always going to be in my life but Chet has always been there for me so I’m sure he always will be and I will always be there for him. The moral of the story is gay friends before boyfriends.


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