Reeses, Squirt, and Simon are my three cats and also my best friends. Although they aren't human, I think it's better that way. Reeses always knows when I'm upset and is always coming up to me nuzzling me trying to make me feel better. I think Simon hates me because whenever I try to pet him or cuddle with him he runs away. He loves my mom more than the rest of us which makes me so mad. Squirt is so damn cute that I just love him for being so cute.
I also have a dog named Pookie and I love her, I really do but personally, I like my cats better. If someone asked me which to get, a dog or cat, I would recommend a cat because you can play with them just like dogs but they calm down a lot easier and it seems like my cats can tell that I'm upset easier than my dog. I love cats more than any other animal because of how cozy and cute they are but also because they don't require that much work.
We've had our cats since they were born because we fostered them until they were old enough to be adopted and we adopted them as soon as we could. The biggest challenge is making sure they don't run outside at night when we let Pookie out. During the day, we let them outside because they really like it and it's super cute when they go explore in the backyard.
Having a dog and three cats is kind of challenging sometimes because since Pookie is so much bigger than the kittens she thinks she can walk all over them. I mean that literally and figuratively. When Pook is in a playful mood, she often chases the kittens around the house or nips at them hoping to get a reaction from them. She always does. Simon swipes his paw at Pookie and scratches her when she tries to bite him.
I'm only 15 but I consider myself a cat lady. I love my cats more than most other things and it's honestly kind of unnatural but that's okay because when my friends or boyfriend leave me, I'll still have my cats by my side... or cuddling with me in my bed which is even better.
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